A controversial character having played a main role in the denuement of the infamous Yossele Schumacher affair, but with much lesser known involvement in trying to save Jews held captive in the Middle East or endangered by Iran´s mullahs, Ruth Blau had a life bigger than life itself. The biography dedicated to her by researcher of religious extremism Motti Inbari reveals the paradoxes but also the (blind) dedication to the Jewish life she chose as a convert from Catholicism.
Resistance fighter in a France under German occupation, spy - for the French intelligence and occasionally Mossad - Ruth Blau acted guided by religious belief and dedication to her understanding of the Jewish ideals. With the fanaticism of someone who feels his or her religion needs to be showed off, she embraced the extreme views of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta, although the marriage with the leader of the organisation, Amram Blau, ended his leadership of the organisation.
Based on interviews and unique documents from her personal archives, with the patience for detail of the detective, Inbari drew not only the portrait of a rebbetzin but also an unique destiny of a strong and determined personality. Trying to avoid the fully negative portrayal of her - for some, due to her implication in helping for years the religious relatives of Yossele Schumacher to keep the kidnapped child out of his nonreligious parents; for others, due to her status of convert with aims of leadership within the very male conservative Haredi establishment - he is trying to analyse intentions and aims, personality features and psychological challenges.
This book is an important source of inspiration and information on several topics, such as women leadership in Haredi world, Jewish recent history, psychological profile of religious converts and many more.
Although I really enjoyed the information and its treatment, I struggled sometimes with the style of the argumentation. For instance, before explaining in detail her role in the Schumacher affair, there are way too many references of what is supposed to come and how although she was, for instance, sincere in her commitment to Judaism, she never apologized for the pain made to another Jew while being part of the plot of kidnapping Yossele. And many more.
I wish someone will make a movie about her life.
Rating: 4.5 stars