Sunday 30 May 2021

Buen Shabat, Shabbat Shalom!


A fierce supporter of Ladino culture, Sarah Aroeste is a complex personality, besides being a singer she also published one year ago a book featuring Sephardic traditions. Buen Shabat/Shabbat Shalom, illustrated by Ayesha L. Rubio is a good introduction to both children and parents into the world of Sephardic Jews.

Particularly, the book does a good work of introducing the world of Ladino, the language spoken by Jews originary from the Iberian Peninsula. In a very simple and genuine way, the reader is introduced to a couple of words said on Shabbat in addition to a couple of visual details to be added to the general story. It is a very short read but leaves strong memories, especially to children. 

As someone who is trying to learn more about the Ladino culture and heritage, this book was exactly the easiest incentive to want to find out more. Actually, I may have some interesting books related to the Ladino language and culture coming up for review very soon.

Until then, I am glad that my son was so interested by the book that he keeps repeating over and over again Buen Shabat, Buen Shabbat...It´s a big step, I think, towards the celebration and preservation of the Sephardic culture. One baby step at a time.

Rating: 5 stars  

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