Sunday 23 November 2008

Religion, out of public schools!

Religious education should be, in my humble opinion, be kept out of school's gates. If the school is public, of course, because in a private one, parents have the possibility of the "right" choice, according to the vision of theirs children education (even, sometimes, for some kids, it could be useful to be helped to escape an eternal brainwashing).

But, when public education/funding is involved, the children have to receive the basic information in order to make them good, socially integrated citizens, meaning able to make choices while respecting the alterity of the others.

What about morality, I might be asked? You don't need religion to share empathy with the others, to respect the laws and, in general, to do not harm your neighbors. In fact, religions, all of them are stating the exceptional status of their followers. You simply have to be taught about the value of the individuality, the way in which your freedom don't have to harm the freedom of the other, in Rousseau's words. You don't have to be good only because all we are the creatures of a god, but you have to understand the basics of the human behavior, the limits and punishments, the limits and benefits of social co-existence. If your fellow human is suffering, instead of praying for him it's better to move yourself to find out what you can really do for helping him. And the examples could continue.

Not necessary to look after theological arguments, simply look around you and think with your free mind.

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