Thursday 25 December 2008


They are situations where is no chance to change, even you thought you could. Sooner or later you'll find yourself trapped in a small empty room with high walls around, no way to overcome. They are places which cannot offer you anything, whatever powerful or blind your enthusiasm could be; sooner or later everything will have the same no-results outcome. Of course, they are people who are making possible such situations. They are playing very well their roles giving you the impression that you only have to wait - and wait, and wait - in order to get the best of him. But, after longer or shorter periods of time you'll discover that they don't have nothing to share and, in fact, you - and only you - was the one who invested in their chances. A dead horse, in fact.

Hope kills - time, energy, enthusiasm, life, relationships. If any self-esteem and self-awareness rest, the only normal way is to just left. The psychological mechanism of taking a decision - wrong or good, no matter, but the ability to say "yes" and "no", without the intermediate, non-logical, options "maybe", "perhaps" - is quite difficult, because the comfort looks always as the best choice ever, to be preferred to the unknown future. But, ever, if you'll look back you'll see that, in fact, over the years, nothing changed tremendously and, with or without you, the wheel is going on with or without you. So, it could be that your absence is not even noticed.

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