Thursday 8 January 2009

About (this) war

Once, on a Tel Aviv beach I've met a young woman, full of life, always smiling. She come almost every day to see the see. She never swim. Once she did, since...while on her way to a shop, a bomb exploded nearby and she lost the two legs. Nobody protested for her and for any other "daily" victims. Never. She told me her story very shortly, simply on an equal voice. This is life in war zones, in any part of the world.

We are so much used to see on tv or to read it in the newspapers, after an advertising and together with the financial information that we don't acknowledge it, in fact. We go back to our lives. In 90% of the situations, if we are healthy enough, we'll be back home soon alive. And, meanwhile, we could get some news about 9/11, Madrid, Mumbai, Sarajevo, Kosovo.

How many individuals, on their own, decided these days to leave their peaceful and secure lives for helping on the ground? This is called support, real human empathy.

And we discover also it's Anti-Semitism in an Europe we, again, discover it's so diverse but unable to tackle its diversity. It was always here and elsewhere this Anti-Semitism, no excuse to deny it. We are unprepared to fight it. Again! Winter vacations are over.

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