Tuesday 27 March 2012

Former Skinhead, currently Hasid

This is a story that in general made me think a lot: A former Polish skinhead, "against everything", is turning into observant Jew after discovering his Jewish identity. Years ago, he was showing off his negationism at Auschwitz. Now, he is speaker at Chabad conferences. 
I wanted to wait more than two hours after reading the article, as it made me think about stories I encountered in my life, about people who made the change and some that did not. The road is difficult and the journey is long. But, hopefully you will hardly recognize your old self. 
We have all the chance to return. To read the messages sent to us in various ways. Or simply not to read and think about any hidden sense, just to follow what we feel that is our way. It is not easy, the separation from the past may be painful and the main reason why many prefer to stay hidden than to start anew. If you want to return, nothing and no one will really stop to do it, except yetzer hara
What I know for sure is that we are always offered more than one choice. You do not know always how and why and for how long, but in my case, I am more than happy with my current road. 

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