Thursday 21 March 2013

It is not about cleaning

After months of fear and thousands of discussions and weeks of planning and days of hard work, I am almost done with the Pesach preparations. I avoid to overuse the word 'cleaning' because: 1. does not have nothing to do with 'spring cleaning' and another kind of seasonal cleaning; 2. the word does not cover properly what the entire process has to do with.

Compared with other holidays, I always prefer to get ready for Pesach on my own. I want to be sure that every corner was checked and that I checked carefully the closets and shelves in order to find out things I will rather give to those in real need. I want to do the kashering myself because I like to observe all the details. I also do most part of the shopping on my own, because I want to look at each product and eventually have my own exchange of ideas and thoughts about Pesach.

Each year, there are different lessons. For instance, this year, the decision was to have a very modest Pesach. We have different editions of the Haggadah and there will be many dvar Torah moments, but the menu as such, will be as heimish as possible. Not sophisticated cakes, many salads, matzos - choco matza cannot miss - and good wine. But not eccentric cakes and bread-like meals. 

I need simple meals and Torah learning, especially after weeks when I tried to prepare the good ambiance, without any source of pride and illusions of greatness. The learning is not for showing off but for finding the truth and the food is for basic sustenance, not for wasting impressive amounts of food and resources. 

As in the daily life, we may discover that we don't need everything or big quantities to be happy and feel accomplished: just the proper quality for daily sustenance. And more than anything else, the source of the water we need daily can't be bought.

A meaningful and kosher Pesach!

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