Sunday 17 May 2020

Can I Tell You About Being Jewish?

Written as a dairy Ruth - 12 yo - keeps in order to explain the basics of her religion and everyday life for her Muslim friend Ayla, Can I Tell you About Being Jewish? by Howard Cooper is a good introduction to someone curious about this topic. The book is part of a longer series that starts with Can I Tell you About..., covering various topics of interests for a certain age range.  I am not familiar with the series and as for now I´ve only read the book dedicated to Judaism.
The book is written in an easy, non-sophisticated voice, that suits the audience. Ruth is living in England, her father converted to Judaism, is attending a liberal service and has her own opinions about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict - an addition to the story that in my opinion sounded too apologetic. 
She is theoretically speaking to a Muslim friend, but the information is available for anyone not familiar with the Jewish faith, as it explains the various holidays, the Shabbat, the inner dynamics of the Jewish family and the main milestones of a Jew. There are also some historical information made available to the reader, such as the Kindertransport and the recent issues of the refugees from the Middle East, that her family invited to the Shabbat table, as part of the rules of hospitality.
Essentially, being Jewish mean more than listing out a couple of - relevant - features though. It means a non-stop conversation and making choices that involves both tradition and modernity. ´I suppose everyone needs to work out for themselves what kind of Jew they want to be´, said wisely the 12yo Ruth and as for now, she is perfectly right.

Rating: 3 stars
Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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