Monday 3 August 2009

The Organs Donations Issues

I tried to figure out myself a bit what it is the whole issue about the latest scandal about the organs donations.

Here, a couple of links:

Forward - How Kidneys are Bought and Sold on Black Market
one simple conclusion: there are people in desperate need for a transplant. The provisions in Israel are very strict and the offer is seriously limited in comparison with the demand.

See: Halachic Organ Donor Society

Also: the Syrian-Jewish Enclave in NYC
The insider spy
The almost Hollywood screenplay
and the letter of the Sephardic Community Alliance - a possible power conflict between the Sephardims and Askenazi could also offer an explanation ?
Hamodia found an explanation: We are Very Much in Galus

How much is your body worth - or part of it?
the UK disscussion
the ethics context
value or market value?

Recently, in Romania, several Israeli fertily doctors were arrested and are under investigation for egg trafficking. The "ova commerce" discussion is almost ten years old in Israel.

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