Sunday 26 December 2010

Sallah Shabati

Sallah Shabati is one of the 46,000 Yemeni Jews arriving to Eretz Israel through the Operation Magic Carpet. He brought with him his family, but also his customs, the taste of arak, shesh besh and its music. They camped in one of the ma'abarot and tried to find a way of living. And the others needed to get accustomed with him too, and it was not an easy task. It was difficult to say know who was the first who said "sorry for coming"/סליחה שבאתי.
All over the world, Sephardim continue to be proud of their difference, as the Askenazim. There are often different interpretations, customs, delicious meals and prayers. But this is the old good story of our Great House.
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