Tuesday 18 January 2011

The West Bank story

This short movie won the 2006 Academy Award for the Best Live Action Short Movie. The action is entertaining, lots of easy references to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (should I put a link here, with explanations what it is this play about, will not) and to the West Side Story in a sometimes Bollywood mood as embroiding the very contemporary story of the Palestinians and Israelis.
Kosher King versus Hummus (to be pronounced also Hamas) Hut, fighting their own side of the screen and, eventually, putting their houses on fire. The fire is spreading despite the Israeli ""Jews in construction" project, of building a separation wall between the two family business.
How are they connected, though, despite the deep rejection of each other's existence - hence the wall, to obstruct the view of their existence: L-O-V-E. Between an Israeli soldier belonging to the Kosher King and a Palestinian girl working at and belonging to the Hummus Hut. At the end of the short movie, they plan to go togther in Beverly Hills, apparently the only place where the members of the two communities can live unproblematically side by side.
Did I like something about this movie? This very crazy idea that love is the answer and not any kind of love, but an extreme one.
What I didn't? The plot is too simple to be true or likely to be believed, mostly when both love at the same crazy extent hummus and falafel.

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