Thursday 25 August 2011

Mission statement

As in the last days and weeks I reached a certain level of coherence and regularity in my writing, despite a very busy schedule, it is about time to clarify a couple of things about this modest blog.

Shortly, as I am running out of time and should prepare other posts:

You will find here as many as possible information about Jewish life:
- book reviews, more or less recent history, galut and aliyah, Israel and its enemies, customs and modernity, photo-blogging and travel features, learning and studying.
I don't (want to) have one and only issue to address and although the level of diversity might be high, this is the usual pace I am used with.

What you will not find here:
- gossips (is harder to give up lashon hara than smoking) and self-hate, intellectual considerations only to show off and drop names, very personal stories about what my kids and husband and relatives and etc. are doing every day - if they really want to they should open their own blog, appreciations about "mirror mirror on the wall who's the most observant from the Western Wall".

Most probably a version in Hebrew will be available soon.

Oh, and maybe I should work a bit on a design lifting, but shavua haba'a.

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