Saturday 11 April 2020

Book Review: We Stand Divided by Daniel Gordis

`Jewish life, history has taught, is exceptionally fragile. At times the deadly threats come from the outside. At other times rivalries between the Jews themselves have made communities so vulnerable that they fell. Either way, the lessons of Jewish history ought to be clear`. 
Based on solid historical facts and knowledge of both American and Israeli Judaism, We Stand Divided by Daniel Gordis aims at adding possible directions to the often conflictual conversation between American Jews and Israel. In the media stories of the last years originated both in Israel and America, it seems sometimes that there is a conflict without solution. But according to Gordis, the seeds of this conflict should be sought after deep into the different evolution of the two countries. Plus a deception: American Jews were expecting Israel to mirror the American society, which is largely an exaggerated assumption.
The biggest merit of We Stand Divided is that it shows the differences in a very clear historical perspective: ´(...) at their core, American and Israel are exceedingly different: created for different purposes, they believe in and foster very different sorts of societies with very different values and different visions of Judaism`. Most specifically, there is a conflict between universalism and particularism that prevails the discourse on Jewish identity and Zionism in general, for almost two centuries. `For American-Jews-as-liberals, a nation-state for a particular people, or a certain religion, is a problematic idea. Their discomfort with Israel stems in part from the fact that the idea of a country specifically for the Jews is fundamentally at odds with their universal vision for humanity`.
Gordis outlines clearly those differences, through the main political and social concepts developed in time, which helps tremendously to understand the full landscape. It is, for instance, very important to have in mind that´the two communities developed differently in response to different fears; were designed to take advantage of different opportunities, developed different strategies for survival, and had at their core profoundly different visions of what and renewed Jewish flourishing would look like´.
This clarification is made though not to further deepen the rift between American Jews and Israel, but as a first step towards advancing towards more pratical and wiser answers to various challenges. Maintaining the conflict and the critical attitudes on both sides is counter-productive. Being able to understand in order to better tailor the community solutions and build the dialogue is a step forward from the current divisions. Obviously, it takes time and it will rather start from the very grassroot level, wisely finding what can be done together. 
We Stand Divided by Daniel Gordis is a good reference for anyone looking to better understand the dynamics of American Jewish communities nowadays and their unique relationship with Israel. It is also relevant for anyone interested in modern nation building processes and Jewish identity.

Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

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