Sunday 5 April 2020

Virtual Resources for Your Pesach Preparation

This Pesach will be like no other. Stuck in our homes during lockdown, separated from our family and friends, all we have is sometimes just a seder plate and the glasses of wine. If for families and couples living under the same roof, Pesach will be easier - although some will miss the feeling of davening first in the synagogue and enjoying a communal seder - in those moment we have to think about old and single people, those who are alone and without any chance to join a meal and the celebration together with the others.
All our Jewish holidays require community and getting together. This time though, when our synagogues are closed, and meeting other people is stricly forbidden, we have to learn how to stay on our own while keeping a certain degree of observance. If in big cities with a high Jewish presence is easier to buy - including by ordering online - everything one needs for the Seder, in some other cases even finding a box of matzah can be problematic. 
But, thanks Gd, we have Internet and we can virtually connect to other people - for those not so strict in their observance - including by having a virtual seder - and we can also do all our necessary reading and spiritual preparations for the holidays online.

I made a rough selection of the best resources for preparing your Pesach and making it more meaningful during time of crisis:

The Orthodox Union has a full guide to Pesach for this year here (you need to register via email and you receive the materials to download)

By the way, there is also a Pesach app!

Tablet prepared a series of articles dedicated to various aspects of the Pesach observance. Very well done and interesting content.

It´s worth checking also the Times of Israel online resources. They also published a list of resources for those that will have a solo Pesach seder

Here is a short historical outline of the Haggadah

For people in difficult situations - including abuse and mental health risks -, Amudim offers support and help. I particula

Enjoy and may your Pesach be kosher, healthy and meaningful!

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