Sunday 8 February 2009

A brief Life

This four letter word - life - is having a different content, up to the intellectual profile of the person using it. It could mean to be able to correspond to the basic medical descriptions - breathing, heart beating - or more, at a higher intellectual level, give senses and interpretations of the world around.

For those choosing the world of fiction, reality is never enough. They need to rewrite each moment, to offer them content, to create senses to reunite small pieces and make them turn around, as in a kaleidoscope. By reading, you could offer yourself - because the writer aimed himself the same - a brief instant of life, other people's life. In "A brief life", Juan Carlos Onetti
is playing with times and lives, with the limits between dreams and his reality, consistent only with what he considered as real. He's the one who shouted "start" and who decided the story must stop.

At the beginning of our brief ride we are all new-born, with various chances and opportunities to became something. At the end, we all die. In between these thresholds it is a brief life, we could let a trace or not. In comparison with the whole universe, is almost nothing and memory is a very subjective notion, mostly a hope about ourselves we ought to live with.

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