Sunday 1 May 2022

Two Inspiring Jewish Books for Children

Pesach is always a good time to connect with family and spend more time with children. Inspired by the story-centered ambiance, it is much easier to continue after the Seder with even more Jewish-related stories, with or without a holiday topic.

This Pesach I´ve had the chance to read to my boy two inspiring and beautifully illustrated stories, courtesy of Kalaniot Books, a unique edition house whose books I hope to have the chance to review again soon. 

The Melody by Oded Burla, translated from Hebrew by Ilana Kurshan

Translated by Ilana Kurshan, The Melody is told in the pace of the old Yiddish stories. Created by the late Oded Burla, the founder of children´s literature in Hebrew, it is the parable of the Jewish connection with Gd. Took by the wind, a melody is looking for the right voice to told its story, but most potential beneficiaries, refused it up front. Until it finally reaches the mother about to sing a lullaby to her son. The mother´s voice embraces the melody putting the son to sleep.

Similarly, Gd tried to offer the Torah to other peoples but only the Jewish people accepted the gift without too much ado. 

The beautiful illustrations are signed by Assaf Benharroch.

A Persian Passover by Etan Basseri

Set in the Iran in the 1950s, A Persian Passover by Etan Basseri is more than your usual Pesach-related kind of story. Although it has reference at customs and traditions typical for a Persian seder - for instance, the haleq and the funny custom of hitting your neighbour during the seder with the leek - it is also a story of kindness and good neighbourhood. 

The super active Ezra is running too fast, stumbles and fells in the middle a puddle, and together with him the precious bundle of freshly prepared matzah for the Seder. After desperately trying to find some available matzah on the eve of the Seder, the generous neighbour next door will share hers, and in exchange the children - Ezra and his sister, Roza - invite her to their family Seder.

It is a kind story, with colourful dynamic illustrations that suit it perfectly, created by the very talented Rashin Kheiriyeh

Disclaimer: Book offered by the publisher, in exchange for an honest review

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