Monday 19 September 2011

Book Review: Academics against Israel and the Jews

For a long time, for various reasons and from different angles I was watching the academic perspectives on the Middle East. As usual, I was expecting from the intellectuals a more delicate and subtle analysis than the usual street noise. But in most part of the cases, I was disappointed to observe a lot of passion and failures - at least - in identifiying the logical consequences of a very complicate situation.
Reading this collection of articles coordinated by Manfred Gerstenfeld I had first a very deep feeling of sadness: famous academic centers from US, UK or France are deeply infused with hate and narrow anti-Semitic mind settings, students - whatever their ethnic and national backgrounds - are preparing for a career in rather throwing stones than in building arguments respecting at least the possibility that in a conflict there are no doves. But there are so many examples offering inspiration for coordinate and focused intervention and Internet offers the possibility for coordinating people all over the world in countering the shameful attempts to shout us up.
In my opinion, this is not exclusively a question that should preoccupy Jews but all those close to the ideas of democracy and freedom of thinking. Those putting fire on flags and boycotting open discussions are against all those who represent open societies and the discussion should involve all those with a trace of responsibility towards the future.
After reading this book I am starting to think differently on the Israeli anti-boycott law.
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