Wednesday 28 September 2011

The New Year!

description of symbolic food and prayers sayed...Image via Wikipedia//What we have to eat and pray

Two days ago, when thinking about the new year I got very tensed: a lot of chores to be finished, cooking, preparing menus, inviting friends and family, establishing the special schedule for children, running up and fro for the shopping, finishing the unfinishing projects and books, the yeshiva classes.

Overall, not too much time to think and evaluate as I was expecting to. In my projection, I was thinking about one hour or two when in the silence I can map my past successes and failures and future plans and wishes. Given the overloaded schedule and the highly intesive social life I was almost stucked in spending time with lots of people, but myself.

Yesterday, at the end of the cooking marathon I realized how wrong I was. I was already clear with the past and I know very well what do I want to accomplish in the future. The last year was one of the most amazing and spiritually and personally rich from my life and it's only up to me to continue the progress. Was I am missing is the sound of the shofar announcing that it is the right time for the new start.

Shana Tova!
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