Wednesday 21 September 2011

One year ago, one week before

A shofar made from a ram's horn is traditional...Image via Wikipedia//The blow of shofar will have a different meaning for me this year
I can clearly see myself, one week from now, in the middle of the final preparations for Rosh Hashanah: the last cooking, preparing to welcome the guests, maybe resting a bit, ending up the last bits of work before the holidays.

Looking back I see myself at the end of a wonderful cycle of changes of discovering new meanings and reconsidering old values. A year when I had around me persons who dramatically changed my life for good. I couldn't be more thankful every single second of my life!

In the same time, I see myself before a long road that could last one year or more of new achievements and spiritual evaluations. A year when I want to learn to give back what I was given, when I see my spiritual growth as a way to double my contribution to the world.

I will maintain this blog as the trace of my daily steps.
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