Tuesday 6 September 2011

Book Review: Once upon a shtetl

The world of shtetl is becoming more and more an issue we find rather in the old stories than in the real life. The older inhabitants are disappearing one by one and sooner or later everything will be only history in the page of the books.
Testimonies as those collected by Chaim Shapiro represent a passionate journey through the world of shtetls. Without pretending to be a work of high academic value, we are transmitted important information of anthropological, cultural and historical value: the daily life, the cultural and educational institutions, the social structure and stratifications, the old histories and traditions. Through the pictures we can imagine the limits and the daily life in those communities.
A world quietly destroyed by wars and pogroms and by Shoah, but not completely erased from memory as long as we have books and testimonies reminding us - or at least some of us - from where are we coming from.
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